Friday, February 12, 2010

sqlplus Wrapper Script For Linux

Installed Oracle 10g on RHEL5 x86_64 today and the sqlplus command prompt was driving me bats. This post gave some great tips on fixing sqlplus behavior. I combined them in one shell script to fix the backspace issue and the lack of history.

First, as the root user, install rlwrap. It should be a simple download, untar, then configure; make install; as root.

Once rlwrap is installed and working, create as the user who is going to be running sqlplus (change ~/ to whatever path you deem appropriate for the script):

stty erase ^H
rlwrap sqlplus $@
stty erase ^?

Make the script executable:
chmod 0755 ~/

And in ~/.bashrc, add

alias sqlplus=’~/’

VoilĂ ! Your Linux sqlplus prompt should now be a bit more friendly.

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