Friday, February 12, 2010

sqlplus Wrapper Script For Linux

Installed Oracle 10g on RHEL5 x86_64 today and the sqlplus command prompt was driving me bats. This post gave some great tips on fixing sqlplus behavior. I combined them in one shell script to fix the backspace issue and the lack of history.

First, as the root user, install rlwrap. It should be a simple download, untar, then configure; make install; as root.

Once rlwrap is installed and working, create as the user who is going to be running sqlplus (change ~/ to whatever path you deem appropriate for the script):

stty erase ^H
rlwrap sqlplus $@
stty erase ^?

Make the script executable:
chmod 0755 ~/

And in ~/.bashrc, add

alias sqlplus=’~/’

VoilĂ ! Your Linux sqlplus prompt should now be a bit more friendly.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How to Delete Embedded Excel Objects in VBA

I wanted to do a bulk delete of embedded chemical structures in a series of Excel workbooks, without touching embedded graphs and data tables. Here's the resulting VBA code. You should be able to easily modify this to delete any custom object types in an Excel workbook.

Sub WipeObjects
' Delete all current embedded chemical structures from currently open Excel workbook
' Example sub to call ChemObjectWipe function
MsgBox ChemObjectWipe()
End Sub

Function ChemObjectWipe() As String
Dim currSheet As Worksheet
Dim itemnum As Long
For Each currSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Dim structures As New Collection
Dim embeddedItems As OLEObjects
Dim shp As OLEObject
Dim deleteStatus As String
Dim creator, currName As String
Set embeddedItems = currSheet.OLEObjects
If (embeddedItems.Count > 0) Then
For Each shp In embeddedItems
currName = ""
creator = ""
currName = shp.Name
creator = UCase(shp.progID)
' MsgBox currName & creator & " item number "
deleteStatus = ""
' Return value
ChemObjectWipe = ChemObjectWipe & currName & "::" & creator
' Change substrings here to match different object creators
If ((InStr(creator, "ISIS") <> 0) Or (InStr(creator, "CHEM") <> 0) Or (InStr(creator, "MDL") <> 0)) Then
' MsgBox "Adding to delete queue " & creator & "::" & currName
ChemObjectWipe = ChemObjectWipe & "(ERASED)"
structures.Add (currName)
End If
ChemObjectWipe = ChemObjectWipe & ";"
Next shp
' MsgBox "Count = " & Str(structures.Count)
For itemnum = 1 To structures.Count
Next itemnum
End If
Next currSheet
End Function